Thursday 21 November 2013

The Grumpy Twat's Lament - Introduction.

Hello all..
Never had experience of blogging, but I often find the need to rant about this, that or the other, and what better way to fulfill that need than ranting to all you peppy spitfucks?. Just writing my rants down in word documents would be slightly pointless and could possibly even seem like personal therapy.. There's nothing wrong with me, I just hate everything. 

What this could be moderately compared to is that Family Guy episode where Peter Griffin hosts a part on the news called "Grinds My Gears", although the things that tend to grind my gears are things associated with today's society and are less the little inconveniences in life. I am probably going to be a right hypocritical and judgmental prick at times, but I think it's impossible to be completely absent from those qualities - 

and that is one thing I definitely hate..

People who jump in at the sound of quick judgement and rave that it's not the way to be, they take the morale high ground as if they have never passed judgement in their lives and sit their with a subtle air of self-righteousness. In the grand scheme of things, it isn't really appropriate to be judgmental, such as assuming all Muslims have extremist views just because of a few bad apples, or assuming all Christians are preaching arseholes because of the Westboro Baptist Church, but if I saw a small group of hooded 13 year old lads in a park on a council estate, I would immediately think they were up to no good and possibly even go as far as assuming that they weren't the best in school and they aren't going particularly far in life.. 

Now I know that isn't exactly the right way of thinking, but who hasn't thought that in a similar situation at some point or other? It's a brief evaluation using the immediate situation presented to us and general knowledge of similar situations we know of? The bloke on the council estate on JSA that wears a tracksuit and drinks Skol beer all day probably didn't do well in school, and I'll bet he hung around gettin' up to no good when he was younger.. And to back my own arse on this one, that's not me saying that all persons fitting the description of the 13 year old's will turn out like that.. Anyway, that's why we pass minor judgement like that, and it's human friggin' nature. I say 'minor judgment' because those thoughts aren't directly affecting anybody, therefore it's nothing we should feel guilty about, and is definitely not something that should be used as ammunition by high brow fuckwits.

It seems my first rant is over, and it felt rather good.
Now fuck off.


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