Thursday 21 November 2013

You Look Like a 'Stupid Hoe'

Hello again dick'eds.
A topic that has been bugging me for a while, and the reasons for which I have no idea, is the way a huge amount of girls are dressing/looking like these days..

I'm not writing this to pass judgment, I'm just highlighted my incredible distaste for the amount of Nicki Minaj look alike's there seems to be, a thing which I think is unfathomably unbelievable to have gained popularity..

Skirts that reach just below the line of the arse cheek, eyelashes that resemble a mix between cocker spaniel tails and seal whiskers, make-up that could be replicated by rubbing the dregs of a wotsit bag on your face - these are all things that I just do not understand.. and wet look leggings? How does any woman think they look nice? More to the point, how does any bloke find that attractive? The people I've seen wearing them look like a sci-fi character created in the 70s!

I don't know how much they are linked or if there is in fact any relevance between them, but this is why I also can't stand that the likes of Nicki Minaj are role models for people! She is like someone off Total Recall and I can't see any attractive qualities in her, and the same can be said for all her doppelgangers walking around the markets looking to buy another pair of glittery slippers to wear to the local nightclub.

As should be known, this isn't the case for all women, probably not even a large portion, but it still pulls the Clint Eastwood face out of me. This little article could quite possible earn me a hail of disapproval from people reading, but this is just what I think.. The bottom line is, a lot of girls that dress like this look like slightly tidied up clowns, with a lot less class.

Funny thing is, knowing my luck, after writing this I'll probably meet a Minaj lover who'll turn out to be the girl that I marry and I'll have to take back everything I said.



  1. LoL totally agree...and let's hope that's not the type u marry

  2. Smart fellow, fingers crossed indeed
