Tuesday 26 November 2013

The Bucket List of 'Kinda Alright'..

I figured that given the nature of my last post, I should maybe pair it up with a more positive post.. Partly due to the fact that it's my birthday today and I'm feeling slightly more positive than usual (Today I'd only consider slapping the people that annoy me, whereas normally I'd probably go for the throat), but also because of a small chat with a friend of mine, Mr Lewis Cubbin, who pointed out that contrary to a lot of my posts, in person I'm much less of a cynical arsehole, I might even go as far as saying I can be a right peppy little spitfuck at times..

So I decided to write a list of some of the things that I love or enjoy, though it may be considerably smaller..
This might not be as entertaining to read as it seems we all like a lot of the same stuff..

1- Having someone new to completely get to know you (friend/romantic interest)
2- Biting into the really thickly spread part of a peanut butter butty!
3- A nicely ground cup of real coffee. Anytime, anwhere. Phwoar!

4- Reading the manual for a new game on the train home after buying it..
5- The tense moment before opening a birthday card, and the relief when finding some fat 'dolla' in there..
6- The shivers I got out of sheer excitement as a child on Christmas morning..
7- The carefree demeanor I have when I go out without having to carry a fricken' bag.
8- Barack Obama.. The man is just a pure hero.
9- The fact that David Cameron's wife probably pictures Obama during sex..
10- Red Velvet cake at McGuffie's in Liverpool (Credit to Keziah Hodgson)
11- Every single one of Lee Evan's faces..
12- The fit of laughter that overwhelms me on roller coasters!
13- Wearing a suit and feeling like a fucking top bloke.
14- Drinking a nice big pint of real ale (Guinness, Newcastle Brown, Hobgoblin, Spitfire etc..)
15- Sipping some lovely whiskey (Jack Daniels, Glenfiddich, Glenmorangie etc..)
16- Wearing a suit, drinking real ale and holding a glass of whiskey, culminating in feeling like the ultimate sir.
17- Enthusiasm from people, especially in conversation.
18- History. It's never going to change and I can always retreat into it.
19- Imagining winning the lottery!
20- Chandler Bing's reactions and dances.
21- Ross Geller's faces.
22- Drumming on stage!

23- Krakow, Poland. Absolutely beautiful city.
24- Lord of the Rings! Best thing ever.
25- Introducing people to the Dropkick Murphy's..
26- Making people laugh, especially Emily Jenkins for some reason.
27- Being in places where I can actually pull off saying "the usual please, mate."
28- Looking forward to the late 30s, early 40s age where I can say "on the rocks" and not be laughed at.
29- The fact that 4 of my 5 closest friends at the moment are ginger.. (Jay M, Vinny T, Lizzie O'r & Sam R)
30- The moment I introduced an anti-video game friend to Skyrim.
31- The way my 3 main bands names increased in maturity.. (As In Stories - The Palatines - Atlantis)
32- The smell of the roses in Port Sunlight (Ooer, soppy! But they actually smell of perfumes!)
33- My family's obscenely vulgar, black humour.
34- My Nan and Grandad's kitchen/backroom - The cultural heartland of the family.
35- The way my Grandad is known is "Gagag" or "Gags" since we were all little bambino's.
36- Counting change in my hand and discovering more pound coins than I expected..

37- Julie Andrews
38- The fact that Amy Brant still has a farmers accent, in spite of heavy denial.
39- My fathers huggable belly.
40- Falling over on an ice rink..
41- How much film trailers get me excited.
42- The adverts before a film in the cinema.. why?!
43- Finding that gem of a book that gets you hooked after searching for so long..
44- The feeling when I look at a finished piece of writing.
45- The way my Guinea Pig squeaks whenever he hears the fridge open, awaiting his celery fix..
46- The smell of any and all museums..
47- The snail pace at which my dad walks around museums, reading EVERY word. (used to hate it..)
48- Coming from a family of born and bred bikers and rockers!
49- The happy surprise when my quick judgment of a person is completely wrong.
50- People viewing my blog ;)

I only had the energy to come up with 50, so I really am a moody twat. One rather hard thing, though, is coming up with things that not EVERYONE likes.. so rest assured, I'm sure I like and love a lot of other things.
There are plenty of standard things that are immeasurably important to me, such as friendship, and also the traits inside that friendship, such as loyalty, concern, support and faith. I love romance, passion, the potential for life, the occasional adventurous/daring streaks I

get, the comfortable routine streaks I have, a damn good munch, sleeping.. and most other things that go without saying.

I'm not as happy/proud of this post as I have been with the others, maybe because I have put less effort in? Or genuinely because I think writing about positive things is far more boring..?
Oh well!
This will be my face if people stop viewing my blog, just like when I get home to no notifications..

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